Websites You Should Know for Study Abroad

This is a list of websites that all students need to know before studying abroad - bookmark now to have later!When you are preparing for study abroad, it’s easy and fun to check websites for inspiration about weekend trips, fashion, travel tips, and other interesting things.

This is a friendly reminder that there are some more resources that are maybe not as fun to check, but are just as important (let’s be real -more important) to visit.  For more resources (and scholarship information), be sure to visit my study abroad resource page!

Way back in the dark ages when I studied abroad, I would have loved to have known about any of these websites.  The STEP Program, for example, didn’t come around until when I was actually living abroad.

As soon as that was a thing, though, I was on top of it like a fly on butter.  And I have been on it ever since.

Visit (or bookmark) these websites today!

Emergency Numbers Abroad
Updated by the U.S. Department of State, the link at the top of this webpage is a list of the Emergency Phone Numbers in different countries around the world.  Save this link to your mobile device to have it anytime!

STEP LogoThe Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
The STEP Program with the U.S. Department of State is a free and easy way for travelers to stay up-to-date with events in their destinations (even weekend trips).  I register every international trip I take with STEP – and have since 2009!  Why do I love it so much?  Read my post here.

CDC Logo

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This website is full of great resources including vaccination information, destination facts, and current events that might affect travelers’ health.  Visit the CDC website before any of your travels to prepare for your destination.

PassportU.S. Passports and International Travel

If you need to apply for a passport or renew yours, the U.S. government keeps a pretty tight leash on the process.  This website gives a rundown of the current requirements, processing times, recent news stories, and applications.  Check your passport for validity prior to departure!

Travel State
Students Abroad

This website, managed by the Department of State, provides students with detailed information about living abroad as students, such as safety while traveling, emergencies, embassies, and voting information.  This website also has resources for travelers in the LGBT community, travelers with disabilities, and more.

Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP)

Guess what? Even if you won’t be physically in the USA during Election Day, you can (and probably should) vote using an Absentee Ballot!  The Department of State has a nice checklist on their website here about how to make this happen, but go to the FVAP website for more information.

Generation Study Abroad
As you can probably infer from the name, Generation Study Abroad is an initiative from the Institute of International Education (in collaboration with a kajillion partners) to better support and provide greater access to study abroad for more students.   They have scholarship information, resources, and more for students and institutions alike.

Related Posts:
11 Things You Need to Research Before Traveling
When to Start Planning for Study Abroad
Ask an Advisor: Where Should I Study Abroad?
Checklist: Things to Do During Your First Week Abroad
What to Do During an Emergency Abroad
How to Write a Kick-Ass Application Essay

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